Welcome to the official OhioKAN Blog, The Navigator. Please find entries from our OhioKAN staff and leadership with insights on navigating kinship and adoptive life.

Exercise Helps Heal the Mind and Body
As I get older, I have noticed the absolute need for self-care. I try to make it to the gym at least 4 times a week and, during the pandemic,…
Reactive Attachment Disorder overview for caregivers
Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) is a condition that develops as a result of inconsistent care, abuse, and/or, neglect during infancy and early childhood. Children whose basic needs were not met…
The Importance of Play
With all the responsibilities, commitments, and stressors of caring for ourselves and our families, play can fall to the wayside. As kinship and adoptive families navigate their daily lives and…
Where to Start: How to Make a Change in a Child’s Life
There are many people in this world who want to help others, especially when it comes to helping children. Most people don’t know exactly where or how to start. Experts…
Visit Your Local Library
I remember getting my first library card like it was yesterday. My first-grade class went on a field trip to the local library and when the librarian gave me my…