
Kinship Heroes Have a Sidekick in Support Services

Doing the work of kinship care or post-adoptive parenting is hard, but you don’t have to do it alone. There are lots of support services that can help with everything from financial resources and physical goods to emotional self-care and community-building. Find out how you can find services relevant to your family’s needs with OhioKAN.

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Love Yourself, Love Your Youth

I want to take a moment to celebrate and recognize you, the kinship caregiver, and to reflect on the incredibly important work you do each day. I also want to ask you to think about taking the best care of yourself that you can in this challenging and rewarding role.

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Interested Families Q&A

The last Thursday of every month, we host an informational Q&A session for any kinship or adoption family statewide who is looking to learn more about OhioKAN. We believe that…

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Interested Families Q&A

The last Thursday of every month, we host an informational Q&A session for any kinship or adoption family statewide who is looking to learn more about OhioKAN. We believe that…

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Interested Families Q&A

The last Thursday of every month, we host an informational Q&A session for any kinship or adoption family statewide who is looking to learn more about OhioKAN. We believe that…

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Interested Families Q&A

The last Thursday of every month, we host an informational Q&A session for any kinship or adoption family statewide who is looking to learn more about OhioKAN. We believe that…

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Interested Families Q&A

The last Thursday of every month, we host an informational Q&A session for any kinship or adoption family statewide who is looking to learn more about OhioKAN. We believe that…

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Interested Families Q&A

The last Thursday of every month, we host an informational Q&A session for any kinship or adoption family statewide who is looking to learn more about OhioKAN. We believe that…

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Interested Families Q&A

The last Thursday of every month, we host an informational Q&A session for any kinship or adoption family statewide who is looking to learn more about OhioKAN. We believe that…

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Interested Families Q&A

The last Thursday of every month, we host an informational Q&A session for any kinship or adoption family statewide who is looking to learn more about OhioKAN. We believe that…

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