Our Values
We believe that families are inherently capable of finding solutions to the circumstances and challenges they face.

Children: We value Ohio’s children and families and are determined to keep their stability and well-being as our primary drivers.
Accountability: We value integrity and transparency. We do what we say and say what we do. We regularly reflect on our practice to ensure we are always learning how we can respond in the most appropriate and consistent ways.
Respect: We value the diversity of families and hold the belief that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and thoughtfulness.
Engagement: We value the voices of all kinship and adoptive families and will partner with them knowing their perspective is the foundation on which we will build. We intentionally advocate alongside people of color and others marginalized by systems to shape solutions affecting their lives.
Strengths: We value every family’s strengths and believe everyone can contribute to their solutions. We believe families and honor them as the experts on their situation.

Inclusive and welcoming
By taking an inclusive, engaging, and genuine approach, OhioKAN partners with families to strengthen their networks.