Protected: Maya’s Story

Adoption is different for every family. Maya shares her story and her struggles to understand her place.



Maya Richter

OhioKAN Navigator, Beech Acres Parenting Center

Previously, Maya worked in various early education environments. She was a Teacher at Skidaddles, Inc. and was the Site Director for Learning Grove. There, she was in charge of an elementary school’s before- and after-school program and worked for the organization’s limited-duration pandemic child care site. She has volunteered for the Boone County School District as a Family Resource Center Intern, providing resources to families to remove non-academic barriers to success for students. She has experience with adoption and the foster system as she was placed in an open adoption at birth and has siblings who have lived in both kinship and foster care. Maya holds a Bachelor’s of Social Work from Northern Kentucky University and is currently working to become a Licensed Social Worker. She is thrilled to join Beech Acres Parenting Center as an OhioKAN Navigator for Region 9!


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